Moorland Mousie Trust
The Moorland Mousie Trust exists to promote and protect all aspects of registered Exmoor ponies, on Exmoor, throughout the UK and abroad. We want to ensure the continued survival of free-living Exmoor pony herds on Exmoor, nationally and internationally.
It is our belief that through engagement and education we can offer improved lives for all Exmoor ponies.
We will be re-opening to visitors from 12 noon on WEDNESDAY 2nd APRIL.
We hope to see you soon!
About Exmoor Ponies
There is little variation between adult Exmoor Ponies although they naturally range from about 11½ hands to 13½ hands, the majority are 12 - 12.2 hands. The ponies are very stocky and strong, with deep chests and large girths. The large capacity of the digestive system is important in winter as they consume large quantities of rough material which provides them with internal warmth.
Their colouring falls within a limited range of bay, brown on dun, with black points (with no white markings) and as such they blend in very well against their native background of heather, grass and bracken. They should have mealy markings on the muzzle and around the eyes. The prominent flesh around the eyes provides a defence system against harsh weather, and is knows as a 'toad eye'.
The ponies have neat, hard feet with a slate-grey sole, making them well suited to coping with rough terrain. Their legs are short, straight and set apart, and their action is straight and smooth - not as exaggerated an action as some breeds. A good Exmoor pony will have well laid back shoulders and a deep chest. The ribs should be long, deep, well-sprung and wide apart, with a broad back and level across the loins.
In summer their coat is close, hard and bright, but to withstand the cold, harsh Exmoor winter they grow a coat in two layers which provides them, in effect, with thermal underwear and a raincoat! The hairs next to the skin are quite fine in texture and form a layer of insulation. The outer hairs are coarser and greasy giving waterproof protection. That this system is highly efficient is best demonstrated by the phenomenon of snow thatching: snow collects on top of the ponies coat as insufficient body heat is lost to melt it; and the snow can be periodically shaken off.
The tail is neatly set in and the fan of short hairs near the root of the tail is called a snow chute. The mane, forelock and tail are thick and full, and also shed water efficiently. The Exmoor pony, like all wild ponies has developed in response to its environment and because it has lived and evolved in such a relatively small area over such a long period, must be one of the purest examples of equines in existence today.

Exmoor Pony Centre
The Exmoor Pony Centre, owned by the Moorland Mousie Trust, was opened to the public in the year 2006. Located in the heart of the Exmoor National Park it is the hub of all our activity with the Exmoor Ponies. It provides a permanent and specialised base for the foals when they arrive straight off the moor. It is the home to some 20 of our permanent residents. At our Centre, visitors to Exmoor who might otherwise not be lucky enough to see an Exmoor pony have the opportunity to come into close contact with them.
Latest News

Our Ponies have returned from their
winter holidays
Each year our resident ponies take a winter holiday away from the Exmoor Pony Centre so that we are able to take in the surplus of the annual foal crop for handling and training. As the foals have started their new adventures off site, our ponies have returned ready for you to visit from 12 noon on Wednesday 2nd April.
Welcome back ponies!
Come and join
the fun!
Join ponies and people celebrating 25 years of our Charity. Family fun with games and celebrations, stalls and all the fun of our usual Wednesday Activity Afternoons activities, with pony grooming, pony rides, craft activities and refreshements.
No Booking required
Just turn up!
New exciting
events for 2025!
Each year we host a variety of events and pony experiences. Along with the much-loved 'Activity Afternoons' held during school holiday, and 'Wildlife at Night' events, we are pleased to announce we have added 'Pony Ranger Days', 'Solstice Wildlife Evening' and 'Cream Tea with Ponies' added to our 2025 calendar.
Limited availability.
Bookings now being taken!